

OpenDFKI is a hosting platform for open source DFKI projects. Below you find a list of selected projects.

  • iDocument is an ontology-based information extraction system.
  • DynaQ stands for Dynamic Queries for document based, personal information spaces. The goal of the project is to conceptualise and to develop a prototypical inquiry system to explore the personal information space, that supports the user with the help of the searching paradigm orienteering.

The Semantic Desktop environment published by the Knowledge Management Lab of the DFKI. Gnowsis can be used in research projects or by interested individuals to benefit from Semantic Web technologies.

KaukoluWiki is a semantic wiki featuring import and export of arbitrary RDF(S).

  • Skipforward - a distributed recommendation system using a lightweight ontology approach for formalizing opinions about item features.

RDFHomepage creates personal homepages based on your RDF data. Never more duplicate the information in your bibtex, FOAF file, etc. by manually coding ugly and complicated HTML by hand! Let rdfhomepage create it for you!

The Dragontalk project provides a set of extensions for the Mozilla products Thunderbird (email client) and Firefox (web browser). The Dragontalk extensions were developed in the EPOS project. One of the goals was to get information about the user's operations. For instance, if the user sends or replies to an email, Dragontalk sends a SendEmail or a ReplyToEmail event to some port where an XMLRPC listener can catch it.

An add-on to Apache's XML-RPC implementation easing the use of XML-RPC calls with the help of dynamic proxies and Java 5 annotations.

The OpenMary text-to-speech synthesis system.

myCBR is an open-source plug-in for the open-source ontology editor Protege. Protege is used here for defining classes and attributes as well as managing instances. myCBR adds a rich point-and-click user interface for quickly modelling similarity measures, which are used for comparing instances, i.e., cases. An import facility helps creating an initial model from CSV files. Two retrieval engines are currently provided: a linear retriever, which compares the query with each case in turn, and an index-based retriever, i.e., a case retrieval net. myCBR is used to showcase several explanation techniques regarding similarity measure modelling, data import, and retrieval. While this wiki is for developers, myCBR's website containing all relevant information can be found here:

PET is an open-source runtime system for processing with unification based grammars.

  • ALOE - The Adaptive Learning Object Environment.
  • LeCoOnt - Learning Concept Ontology editor. Visual ontology editor for supporting task embedded e-Learning

FoafMe is a project dedicated to give you a simple to use editor for your FOAF files. It runs as Java application on any desktop you have. It also provides browsing the net of connected foaf files and uploading your foaf file using ftp.

rdf2java allows easy handling of RDF data. Instead of using an RDF api for creating and searching for RDF triples, i.e., (subject, predicate, object), you just work with Java objects representing RDF resources.

Nabu is a plugin for Jive Messenger, a server implementation of the Jabber Instant Messaging protocol. It provides server-side logging of chat conversations and related events. The logged data is stored in a semantic graph, using the RDF W3C standard.

middleware architecture for the integration of deep and shallow natural language processing components

Rock - a software framework for the development of robotic systems based on the Orocos RTT (Real Time Toolkit).

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on 04/06/22 10:01:17